CubeCart version 5.2.3 released

CubeCart E-Commerce

CubeCart version 5.2.3 released.

The CubeCart development team have just released the latest version upgrade (V5.2.3) of their E-Commerce software. While there are no security related issues included in this upgrade, we would still advise all people running V5 to upgrade to this latest version to take advantage of the additional functionality and a reasonable number of bug fixes / code improvements.

What functionality areas have changed in V5.2.3 from V5.2.2

  • Coupons (many fixes)
  • File manager (Specifically fixing missing images due to filename renaming mismatch)
  • USPS Shipping module
  • PayPal Express Payment module
  • Printing of invoices
  • Foreign languages site document content
  • Google Categories (The ability to assign a Google Category to a product for use in Merchant Centre Feed)
  • Order related emails now support order details even on Order Completed status emails
  • The setup directory is automatically deleted if it exists when logging in as an admin user
  • A large number of miscellaneous bug fixes

CubeCart V5 Upgrade

If you are already running CubeCart V5, then upgrading can often be as simple as clicking on “Upgrade” within the Admin | Maintenance area. However there are some points to note and if you are not comfortable with any of these then we strongly suggest that you order the CubeCart upgrade service from us.

  • Put the store into maintenance mode and then always do a full backup before upgrading
  • Always test the store immediately after the upgrade, before taking the store out of maintenance mode
  • If you use your own customised favicon file, then due to the fact that the standard CubeCart version is always delivered as part of an upgrade, your own version will need to be restored after the upgrade
  • The CubeCart setup folder, is now automatically removed if it exists when you login as an admin user – this does mean that you should ensure that you complete the upgrade BEFORE logging back in as the admin user !
  • If you have made any changes to core files or any of the core skin files then these will be over-written
  • If you are using the 3rd party Vector skin then this requires a small change to one core file

For any customers that are running the Shopdev Vector theme that will be doing their own upgrade, please feel free to Open a Support Ticket if you would like us to make this small code change on your behalf.

Our support team are available to perform this upgrade for any current V5 website whether you are already a customer of Havenswift Hosting or not – if you would like help or advice, then again please Open a Support Ticket or simply order the CubeCart Upgrade service from us.

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There Are 2 Comments

Peter Evans on 03 Oct, 2013

Thanks for the detailed information regarding the latest upgrade !

Is there any more information regarding what the “large number of miscellaneous bug fixes” includes ?

Do you know of any problems that have been reported with the new version ?

Havenswift Hosting on 03 Oct, 2013


Unfortunately there is no information available for what bugs were fixed ! There used to be a public bug reporting and tracking system available at where some although not all bug fixes were recorded as being in a specific future release although that list could ever be relied on to be 100% accurate. However, unfortunately, the bug tracker has been taken down and replaced by a private internal tracker.

In terms of problems reported in the new version :

1) If you download the zip file from or upgraded your site before 2nd October then you will go through the procedure again as CubeCart have created a new 5.2.3 release that fixed a couple of bugs

2) There is a bug with the shipping By_Weight module which has been fixed and we have a patch which doesnt appear to have made it into this latest version of the 5.2.3 release

If you use your own favicon.ico file to display your own customised icon in the browser bar, then ensure you have a copy as the upgrade over-writes this – this has been reported previously as a bug but is still happening in latest 5.2.3

Undoubtedly there are other bugs in 5.2.3 as no version release is ever completely clear of them but there dont appear to be any major issues and many problems from 5.2.2 have been fixed !

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