Dangerous Stored XSS Vulnerability in Magento

Dangerous Stored XSS Vulnerability in Magento

Sucuri Disclosure of Magento Vulnerability

During an audit of their WAF, Sucuri discovered a dangerous, but also easy to exploit, Stored XSS Vulnerability in all versions of Magento. The issue could allow attackers to take over your site, create new administrator accounts, steal client information – in fact anything a legitimate administrator account is allowed to do !

Sucuri responsibly disclosed this to the Magento team but worryingly it took them nearly two and a half months to release a patch for it ! That patch (Magento CE: 1.9,2.3, Magento EE: was released on Friday 22nd January and every single Magento user is strongly encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

For full technical details of the vulnerability – see the original Sucuri Disclosure and kudos to them yet again for their great work.

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There Are 2 Comments

charles on 25 Jan, 2016

Who or what is Magento?

Havenswift Hosting on 27 Jan, 2016

Magento is one of a large number of E-Commerce software products – see https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk/ecommerce-solutions/magento/ for basic details and https://www.havenswift-hosting.co.uk/website-hosting/magento-hosting/ for details of our semi-dedicated hosting packages for Magento. We primarily concentrate on providing high quality E-Commerce hosting solutions for customers but specialise in CubeCart, Magento and OpenCart and so look to inform our readers of issues with these products

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