New Reseller Website Hosting Plans from Havenswift Hosting

New Reseller Website Hosting Plans from Havenswift Hosting.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new Reseller Hosting plans – details of which can be seen in our Reseller Centre. Plans can be ordered straight away and will be immediately provisioned but we will continue to add to the Reseller Centre area and expand this to give developers and people looking to start their own hosting businesses all of the information they could want to get started and be successful.

Building on our many years of experience providing secure hosting servers for our shared hosting and dedicated server clients combined with our exceptional support services, we will be providing some of the best reseller hosting available anywhere.

We have never believed in saying we provide unlimited monthly bandwidth or total disk space as this physically doesn’t exist and is nothing more than marketing hype which often leads to servers that are slow, insecure and have poor reliability due to being over-sold. If you take a look at the reseller plans that we are offering, it is clear that there is more than enough resources to cover most people’s requirements and if as we hope you outgrow these then we can easily and quickly migrate your business to a VPS or dedicated server without any downtime.

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